Principal's Message

The aim of education is to bring educational, cultural , mental and aesthetic development in the pupil. Each child is born with distinguished inherent qualities. Teachers and school should act as felicitators and enrich the goodness within the child. To accomplish the needs of the society students must be groomed with 21st century skills and nurtured with human emotions so that today’s kids may become responsible citizens of tomorrow. Our commitment is to provide holistic and inclusive education with proper skill set to set bright examples for the future.

Education is not about cramming and not learning not to secure good marks but achieving all round development of students. It means behavior modification and overall development of personality. Grooming students to perfection is our motto and developing their innate capacity / capability.


Mr Satish Kumar Pradhan

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Mr.Satish Kumar Pradhan

M.A.( English), B.Ed.

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At-Hatishal Para,


Odisha, PIN-767025

Office No.: +91 6652 232369